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The Diary of a Divorce

Only 2 days: november 11th & 12th



Marriage. Two lives blessed and living as one. One in the Lord and one flesh. Little is said, however, when things start to go wrong. It is hardly even acknowledged publically that it even happens, let alone caring, godly shepherding to help and support in such a situation. The reality is that it does happen and happens more and more and not only are two lives shattered but invariably one, maybe two of those lives lose fellowship with their local Church and with the Lord.  

“They fell down and there was none to help.” Psalm 107 v 12  

But what if there was first-hand pastoral help available? Godly, caring non-judgemental people to pray, listen, talk, advise, support and love you through those difficult times? It could be a different story for many.

I am testimony to that and hope to spur on these pastoral carers, family and friends to take up the challenge and step forward to help.


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